Matt's kindness

Created by Clive 11 months ago

I used to be a family member of Coventry Garage Doors which was a supplier for Matt's business GM garage doors. I used to deliver products to him every week. I never forget how decent and kind he was, such a pleasant hard working guy. We shared a lot of our family stories together especially as Paige is a year older than my own daughter. We shared the growing up kid stages banter etc. I always remember Christmas time he would always give me cash gifts. He gave me 120 GBP one year, I was so grateful for his kindness. I live in New Zealand since 2019, he joined my Facebook so we have alwayskeptup to date. I have been struggling to come to terms with his passing,it hurts so much. I just only hope Paige prays to Jesus every day and trusts in his love to get her through the years ahead.

Paige i think about you daily now. As when you were growing up Matt was always proud to share little funny stories etc.God bless you. Pray to Jesus he is a real man, he will hear your cries for help. Join me on Facebook if you ever want to talk

Lots of love

Clive Maiden